
Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment

Project beneficiary
Gdańskie Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyki Cieplnej Sp. z o.o.

Total project value
26 206 173,36 PLN

6 083 697,00 PLN

Project goal

  • The improvement of efficiency of heat distribution for communal-residential purposes in Gdańsk.
  • Provision of permanent and safe supplies of generated in the process of highly efficient cogeneration in the territory of Gdańsk.

Planned results

  • Length of modernised heating network: 11,22 km
  • Reduction of heat loss in the network: 12 337,30 GJ/year
  • Reduction of primary energy consumption: 6 538,77 GJ/year
  • Annual reduction of greenhouse gas emission: 1 418,79 Mg CO2/year
  • Reduction of dust emission: 0,15 Mg/year