

Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment

Project beneficiary
Gdańskie Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyki Cieplnej Sp. z o.o.

Total project value
11 301 185,23

1 988 781,41 PLN

Project goal

  • The purpose of the project is the increase in the use of power generated in highly efficient cogeneration and avoidance of potential low emission.
  • Provision of supplies of heat generated in the process of highly efficient cogeneration to investment terrains in the village of Kowale.
  • Connection of new power – new recipients to the municipal heating network.

Planned results

  • Length of constructed heating network: 2,27km
  • Number of constructed heat centres: 4 pcs.
  • Size of secured transmission power:4,6 MW
  • Planned contacted power of the constructed heating system: 4,6 MW
  • Reduction of primary energy consumption: 22 175,91 GJ/year